USI-Tech Closed to North America
USI-Tech Closed to North America – Covering Their Bet on the Texas Bitconnect Smackdown USI-Tech Closed to North America was a smart move by Dubai-based USI-Tech in light of the recent cease and desist letter they received from the Great State of Texas last month. What took them so long?
The Best Cryptocoin Investment
The Best Cryptocoin Investment – Badasseum Digital currency investors are always scouring the Internet in search of the best cryptocoin investment. Looking past established crypto currencies like Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum they dig deep into coins of all kinds including DragonCoin, Sether, Verge, Ripple and over a thousand others. You
Bitcoin Mining for Beginners – Episode 5: ASIC Miners
Buying an ASIC Miner I decided that, after two months of mining with repurposed PCs, it was time to try buying a dedicated ASIC miner for Bitcoin. But just what is an ASIC miner, and why did I want one? Well, I suppose we should start with just with a
Bitcoin Mining for Beginners – Episode 4: Monero
Episode 4: Trading Monero I recently had a crash course in trading Monero for Bitcoin. Boy was that an adventure! If you haven’t seen my previous episode in this series, please go check it out here. Mining Enough Monero Well, after we’ve setup our miner and found our mining pool
Bitcoin Mining for Beginners Episode 3
Creating a Bitcoin Wallet In my last installment, I had just completed my first mining rig and researched my cryptocurrency of choice. I then realized that I needed a bitcoin wallet, but I had no idea what this entailed. You see, the layman’s conceptualization of a wallet is one that
Bitcoin Mining for Beginners Episode 2
Building a Bitcoin Miner Starting Out Alright, so I was ready to start Bitcoin mining. Great! Now what? Well, cryptocurrencies won’t will their way to you, and you can’t just say “Hey Cortana, start mining Bitcoin.” What to do…what to do? (If you haven’t read my first installment in this
Bitcoin Wars – Battle of the Blocks
Bitcoin Wars – Battle of the Blocks. The plug got pulled on SegWit2x and civil war erupted. The Bitcoin Wars. Many of the people supporting SegWit2x (intended to be a bitcoin fork with 2MB transaction blocks instead of 1MB) have switched their loyalty to Bitcoin Cash which is seen as
Bitcoin Price Predictions November 10
Bitcoin Price Predictions Of the Moment Last night bitcoin pricing hovered just a tad below its high of $7500 USD at about $7300. This morning I woke up to a puzzling nightmare — bitcoin dropped by about $500. As bitcoin price predictions go this was impossible to predict as are