Banking on Bitcoin Movie Review
Cryptocurrency Markets
2 min read

Banking on Bitcoin Movie Review

December 31, 2017

Banking on Bitcoin Movie Review – Two Thumbs Up But… This Banking on Bitcoin movie review (available for streaming on Netflix) must be prefaced by saying this is material perfect for The History Channel or as a basic introduction to the concept of cryptocoin.  This is through no fault of

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Crypterium Could Be the Ultimate Cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrency investing
7 min read

Crypterium Could Be the Ultimate Cryptocurrency

December 29, 2017

Crypterium Could Be the Ultimate Cryptocurrency.  The Reasoning is Clear. Let’s welcome guest blogger Chris Abraham to talk about Cyprterium and why Crypterium could be the ultimate cryptocurrency. Without further ado, I pass the mic to Chris… Crypterium Could Be the Ultimate Cryptocurrency.  That’s becase Crypterium is a cryptobank with the

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How to Buy Bitcoin
Cryptocurrency investing Cryptocurrency Markets
2 min read

How to Buy Bitcoin

December 29, 2017

How to Buy Bitcoin – It could take just a couple of minutes or a couple of days. According to CNBC “how to buy bitcoin” was the third most used Google search time in 2017.  That’s understandable; Bitcoin is dominating dinner conversations, most cable news shows and the lives of

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Bitcoin Ban in South Korea
Cryptocurrency investing Cryptocurrency Markets
2 min read

Bitcoin Ban in South Korea

December 28, 2017

Bitcoin Ban in South Korea – So What? With the Segwit2x fork expected any time now most of the world was puzzled by the plunge in price of Bitcoin.  After all, Bitcoin prices should’ve fired up like a rocket as more and more people wanted to buy Bitcoin to get

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Segwit2x Fork Summary
Cryptocurrency investing Cryptocurrency Markets
2 min read

Segwit2x Fork Summary

December 27, 2017

Segwit2x Fork Summary- Not Just Another Bitcoin Fork in the Road The Segwit2x Fork Summary: The New York Agreement, also known as Segwit2x, was planned for mid-November but ended up dead on arrival.  Now it’s back… But will it work this time? Is the Segwit2x Fork Summary we’re publishing an

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Cryptocoin Investments Compared
Cryptocurrency investing
3 min read

Cryptocoin Investments Compared

December 27, 2017

Cryptocoin Investments Compared and it’s easier than you think. A day – or even an hour – doesn’t go by where there isn’t a conversation whereby cryptocoin investments compared goes on.  From what I’ve seen cryptocoin investors fall into two distinct camps; active traders who will buy whatever John McAfee

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Bright Bitcoin Christmas Through Price Boost
Cryptocurrency investing Cryptocurrency Markets
2 min read

Bright Bitcoin Christmas Through Price Boost

December 26, 2017

Bright Bitcoin Christmas Through Price Boost – Say Goodbye to The Grinch. Despite the Grinches glomming on to Bitcoin’s recent price fluctuations, history has proven the world had a bright Bitcoin Christmas through price boost. It’s becoming something of a laugh when a media outlet publishes another article of doom

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Cryptocoin Investing in 2018
Cryptocurrency investing
2 min read

Cryptocoin Investing in 2018

December 25, 2017

Cryptocoin Investing in 2018 AKA Welcome to the Jungle Cryptocoin investing in 2018 will be even more complicated than it was in 2017.  As newcomers to cryptocurrency investing ask which coin to buy under different criteria such as what’s under $1, what’s expected to grow the most, will Bitcoin come

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John McAfee Pump and Dump
Cryptocurrency investing
3 min read

John McAfee Pump and Dump

December 24, 2017

John McAfee Pump and Dump Accusations are Running Wild.  And they are all unfounded. You can Google it.  You can see it on Facebook.  On Reddit.  On Twitter.  There are rampant John McAfee pump and dump finger pointers and all of them are not to be taken seriously.  What we

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Bitcoin Bounce Leads Cryptocoin Recovery
Cryptocurrency investing Cryptocurrency Markets
2 min read

Bitcoin Bounce Leads Cryptocoin Recovery

December 24, 2017

Bitcoin Bounce Leads Cryptocoin Recovery as Pricing Chaos Persists For most of last week, particularly the end of last week, the digital currency world was dizzy in trying to understand why nearly every single cryptocoin was crashing.  Now the cryptocurrency community is struggling to understand the sudden rebound whereby a

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