Sun Fund Pre-ICO
Cryptocurrency investing
2 min read

Sun Fund Pre-ICO

July 14, 2018

Sun Fund Pre-ICO – Equity Crowdfunding and ICOs Converge The Sun Fund Pre-ICO offers investors the best of both worlds; equity AND an opportunity for a cryptocurrency SAFT (Simple Agreement for Future Tokens) articipate in an ICO.  A $100 investment = 10 shares + the SAFT Sun Fund is a

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Bitcoin Mining Hardware On Sale
Cryptocurrency Mining
2 min read

Bitcoin Mining Hardware On Sale

July 13, 2018

Bitcoin Mining Hardware On Sale – Best Opportunity Ever to Buy ASIC Miners Cheap. Bitcoin mining hardware on sale is not the headline you think it is.  After all, Bitcoin mining hardware on sale is not a news event.  Bitcoin miners have been available for purchase for years.  What makes

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Top 5 Cryptocurrencies to Invest in 2018
Cryptocurrency investing
6 min read

Top 5 Cryptocurrencies to Invest in 2018

July 5, 2018

Top 5 Cryptocurrencies to Invest in 2018 – Bitcoin and Beyond. Top 5 Cryptocurrencies to Invest in 2018 is my attempt to draw attention to cryptocoin investments that deserve serious consideration as investing opportunities. It is fair to say that cryptocurrencies have taken the world of finance by storm. They

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Bitcoin Bull Run Likely
Cryptocurrency Markets
2 min read

Bitcoin Bull Run Likely

July 4, 2018

Bitcoin Bull Run Likely – Cryptocoin Experts and Bitcoin Miners Very Bullish Through 2018. Experts agree – Bitcoin Bull Run Likely.  Bitcoin mining is steadily increasing, blockchain transaction volume is up 10 % and cryptocoin analysts concur on a breakout of price.  $50,000 by the end of 2018 is still

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