Bitcoin Price Buoyancy
Cryptocurrency Markets
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Bitcoin Price Buoyancy

May 21, 2019

Bitcoin Price Buoyancy – Don’t Bet Against Bitcoin Bitcoin price fluctuations over the past week only go to show that Bitcoin price buoyancy over time is real.  Anybody who watched the latest 60 Minutes heard (or reheard – this story has become as historical as it has notorious) learned of

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Cryptocurrency Bubble History
Cryptocurrency investing Cryptocurrency Markets
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Cryptocurrency Bubble History

May 2, 2019

Cryptocurrency Bubble History – What the DotCom Bubble Can Teach Us The explosion of the DotCom era and the subsequent plunge of almost EVERY Internet stock has many parallels to what I consider cryptocurrency bubble history. In the late 1990s, companies were raising millions of dollars in IPOs.  The trick

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Bitcoin in Freefall
Cryptocurrency Markets
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Bitcoin in Freefall

June 24, 2018

Bitcoin in Freefall- Down over 60% in 2018 and there’s no bottom in sight. I woke up today to a nightmare; Bitcoin dropped below $6,000 overnight and is staying there.  Bitcoin in freefall was something Jack Lee didn’t predict; he predicted Bitcoin at about $25,000 as of July.  While Bitcoin

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Bitcoin’s Up & ICOs are Out
Cryptocurrency investing Cryptocurrency Markets
2 min read

Bitcoin’s Up & ICOs are Out

April 20, 2018

Bitcoin’s Up & ICOs are Out – The Stunning News Revealed on The Fox Business Network Liz Claman – affectionately dubbed The Red Fox for her brains and her beauty – reported on Bitcoin’s Up & ICOs are Out during her broadcast yesterday.  With special guest Christine Lagarde, IMF Managing

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Bitcoin Price Reality
Cryptocurrency investing Cryptocurrency Markets
3 min read

Bitcoin Price Reality

March 15, 2018

Bitcoin Price Reality – Separating Fact from Myth The recent plunge in Bitcoin – and almost every other cryptocoin out there – is attributed to all of the recent bad news.  Bitcoin price reality needs to set in.  Let’s tear apart all of the recent factors the “experts” are attributing

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Bitcoin Prices & Bitcoin Miners
Cryptocurrency Markets Cryptocurrency Mining
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Bitcoin Prices & Bitcoin Miners

March 9, 2018

Bitcoin Prices & Bitcoin Miners – Miners Care Very Little About Bitcoin Pricing In June 2017, when Bitcoin prices were hovering around the $2200 mark, Bitmain very quietly formed a  corporation in Washington State.  The objective? Expand Bitcoin mining operations beyond China.  They knew then as we all now know

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Bitcoin Price Positioned to Explode
Cryptocurrency Markets
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Bitcoin Price Positioned to Explode

March 8, 2018

Bitcoin Price Positioned to Explode – Bitcoin Dropped Yesterday on Bad News That’s Really Good News. SEC cryptocurrency exchange scrutiny. The Japanese Bitcoin Whale selling off $400 million in Bitcoin.  A feared Binance hack.  Bad news for Bitcoin, right? WRONG.  All this news is good news; Bitcoin price positioned to

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Bitcoin Whale Spotted
Cryptocurrency Markets
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Bitcoin Whale Spotted

February 18, 2018

Bitcoin Whale Spotted – Anonymous trader buys $400 million in bitcoin We reported Bitcoin whales behind the recent rally of Bitcoin going over $10,000 a couple of days ago.  One Bitcoin whale spotted got the attention of everybody; he gulped up some 41,000 Bitcoin totaling $400 million over the span

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Bitcoin Back Over 10K
Cryptocurrency Markets
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Bitcoin Back Over 10K

February 15, 2018

Bitcoin Back Over 10K- Bitcoin Shrugs Off Bad News,  is Climbing Steadily Higher With Bitcoin back over 10K, Bitcoin is proving the critics and the cynics wrong yet again thanks to crossing back over the $10,000 line and staying there.  Bitcoin has been on a slow and steady rally the

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Bitcoin Bounces Back
Cryptocurrency Markets
2 min read

Bitcoin Bounces Back

February 5, 2018

Bitcoin Bounces Back – Bitcoin plunges. Cryptocoin investors panic. Then Bitcoin Rebounds. It’s like Groundhog Day. Bitcoin bounces back about this same time every.  Many people have pointed out this trend but nobody made it as simple to understand as John McAfee.  If you study the charts below you will

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