
Bitcoin’s Up & ICOs are Out – The Stunning News Revealed on The Fox Business Network

Liz Claman – affectionately dubbed The Red Fox for her brains and her beauty – reported on Bitcoin’s Up & ICOs are Out during her broadcast yesterday.  With special guest Christine Lagarde, IMF Managing Director, we learned three things:

  • The international community at large is likely not going to regulate Bitcoin to any great extent
  • ICOs in America have all but disappeared due to close SEC scrutiny, forcing ICOs to launch in other countries
  • Bitcoin is being buoyed by all this good news and firmly re-establishing itself as THE cryptocoin that matters more than any other.

With the exit of ICOs out of America it naturally follows that Bitcoin breaks through to highs not seen in weeks.  The simple answer is that Bitcoin’s Up & ICOs are Out.  With the SEC’s launch of multiple probes last month with a clear statement they will be watching closely, ICOs are heading overseas where there is less regulation and thus less resistance to launch.  The question that begs asking; what were all of these ICOs so afraid of by facing SEC oversight? A question every investor should be asking themselves; can I trust any overseas ICO? ICOs, now more than ever, are ripe for scams and confidence schemes perfectly positioned to rob investors with little to no chance of legal action of any kind.

That’s just one more reason why Bitcoin’s Up & ICOs are Out; Bitcoin is the safest cryptocoin investment out there.  Celebrating its first back-to-back weekly gains in 2018, Bitcoin bulls have good reason to celebrate.

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Seth Fields
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