
The Big Bang Bitcoin Theory – Funny But True

The Bing Bang Bitcoin Theory

The very idea of The Big Bang Bitcoin Theory had me grinning. I’ve been a fan of The Big Bang Theory for years (who hasn’t?). As TV goes it’s one of the most profound sitcoms of the modern age.  So naturally when I saw the upcoming episode The Bitcoin Entanglement I was really looking forward to seeing it. All of the guys on The Big Bang Theory are geeks who are totally into tech, comics and science and jokes.  So when the boys unfolded their Bitcoin story (that started out seven years ago) I was laughing and nodding my head at the same time.  The premise, ironically, is reminiscent of one of those Bitcoin-lost-on-the-hard-drive stories that stun all of us.

So the boys start out bitcoin mining some years ago and kept their Bitcoin on the laptop they used to do their mining,  You can tell this episode of The Big Bang Theory was a flashback episode because nowadays we all know it would take several centuries of bitcoin mining on a PC or laptop to yield even one Bitcoin.  That’s not The Big Bang Bitcoin Theory ; it’s a fact.

As I pointed out in an earlier article, Bitcoin is definitely going mainstream.  From the front page of business newspapers and magazines and television to widely-watched comedies.  Paradoxically, The Big Bang Bitcoin Theory is proven reality; Bitcoin is going through a big bang moment as it spreads and expands to permeate every corner of the globe and every scintilla of global society itself.

If we are to be considered citizens of the world then the coin of the realm is cryptocurrency.  This digital currency is changing how we spend, how we save and how we invest.  As global markets continue to embrace (or fear) cryptocoin the smartest thing we can do is pay very close attention to this new epoch in human history.

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Seth Fields
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