From Bitcoin to Ethereum: The Evolution of Cryptocurrencies
6 min read

From Bitcoin to Ethereum: The Evolution of Cryptocurrencies

June 27, 2024

With the rise of cryptocurrencies, it’s crucial to understand the evolution of digital money in the world of technology. From the inception of Bitcoin to the emergence of Ethereum, the landscape of digital currencies has transformed significantly. In this blog post, we will examine the journey of cryptocurrencies, focusing on

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Is Blockchain Secured, What is the Transparency
1 min read

Is Blockchain Secured, What is the Transparency

December 18, 2022

Is Blockchain Secured? What is Transparency Blockchain technology is one of the most exciting developments in the world of business, and it will change how we do everything from banking to commerce. But is blockchain secure? And what is the transparency of blockchain? In this video, we’ll answer these questions

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What Makes Ethereum Stand Out
2 min read

What Makes Ethereum Stand Out

March 17, 2021

Bitcoin and Ethereum are the two most popular cryptocurrencies out there. While Bitcoin is merely a cryptocurrency, Ethereum is much more than that. It is a ledger technology that allows organizations to create a broad array of programs. If Bitcoin was version 1.0, Ethereum is 2.0, enabling the development of

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Should You Buy Used Mining Rigs?
Cryptocurrency Mining
6 min read

Should You Buy Used Mining Rigs?

February 26, 2018

Should You Buy Used Mining Rigs? Yes. Well maybe…. And perhaps no. The option to buy used mining rigs is a tempting one. With the madness surrounding crypto mining and alt-coins, many people are going to look into building their own mining rigs.  While this isn’t a huge undertaking for

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GPU Availability Trending Downward
Cryptocurrency Mining
4 min read

GPU Availability Trending Downward

January 30, 2018

GPU Availability Trending Downward – Cryptomining is the Culprit. Ask anyone looking to build a PC for gaming or cryptomining and they’ll tell you the same story: GPU availability trending downward is reality. As a result of supply and demand GPU prices are through the roof.  A recent boom in

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Ethereum Rising as a Cryptocoin Investment
Cryptocurrency investing
3 min read

Ethereum Rising as a Cryptocoin Investment

December 13, 2017

Ethereum Rising as a Cryptocoin Investment Because Bitcoin Can’t Rule the World. Largely unnoticed because Bitcoin is hogging the spotlight is the value of Ethereum’s currrency is rising as well as Litecoin.  Ethereum rising as a cryptocoin investment is escaping almost everyone’s notice except for Ethereum enthusiasts who are very

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Bitcoin Mining for Beginners Episode 3
Cryptocurrency investing Cryptocurrency Mining
5 min read

Bitcoin Mining for Beginners Episode 3

November 24, 2017

Creating a Bitcoin Wallet In my last installment, I had just completed my first mining rig and researched my cryptocurrency of choice.  I then realized that I needed a bitcoin wallet, but I had no idea what this entailed. You see, the layman’s conceptualization of a wallet is one that

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