Cryptocurrency Investment Equity Crowdfunding Campaign
Cryptocurrency investing
3 min read

Cryptocurrency Investment Equity Crowdfunding Campaign

August 3, 2018

Cryptocurrency Investment Equity Crowdfunding Campaign The Heleum App Makes it Possible for Mobile Users to Make Money on Autopilot. This isn’t the first time equity crowdfunding has converged cryptocoin but it certainly seems to be an emerging trend. Heleum LLC was created by brothers Pace & Taylor Ellsworth and their

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Top 5 Cryptocurrencies to Invest in 2018
Cryptocurrency investing
6 min read

Top 5 Cryptocurrencies to Invest in 2018

July 5, 2018

Top 5 Cryptocurrencies to Invest in 2018 – Bitcoin and Beyond. Top 5 Cryptocurrencies to Invest in 2018 is my attempt to draw attention to cryptocoin investments that deserve serious consideration as investing opportunities. It is fair to say that cryptocurrencies have taken the world of finance by storm. They

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Cryptocoin Markets in 2018
Cryptocurrency investing
3 min read

Cryptocoin Markets in 2018

January 15, 2018

Cryptocoin Markets in 2018 – I Predict Order out Of Chaos I forecast that cryptocoin markets in 2018 are going to settle down as the 100,000 or so new cryptocoin investors that enter the cryptocurrency trading market e very day end up being sick and tired of being sick and

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How to Buy Bitcoin
Cryptocurrency investing Cryptocurrency Markets
2 min read

How to Buy Bitcoin

December 29, 2017

How to Buy Bitcoin – It could take just a couple of minutes or a couple of days. According to CNBC “how to buy bitcoin” was the third most used Google search time in 2017.  That’s understandable; Bitcoin is dominating dinner conversations, most cable news shows and the lives of

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Cryptocoin Investments Compared
Cryptocurrency investing
3 min read

Cryptocoin Investments Compared

December 27, 2017

Cryptocoin Investments Compared and it’s easier than you think. A day – or even an hour – doesn’t go by where there isn’t a conversation whereby cryptocoin investments compared goes on.  From what I’ve seen cryptocoin investors fall into two distinct camps; active traders who will buy whatever John McAfee

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Cryptocoin Investing in 2018
Cryptocurrency investing
2 min read

Cryptocoin Investing in 2018

December 25, 2017

Cryptocoin Investing in 2018 AKA Welcome to the Jungle Cryptocoin investing in 2018 will be even more complicated than it was in 2017.  As newcomers to cryptocurrency investing ask which coin to buy under different criteria such as what’s under $1, what’s expected to grow the most, will Bitcoin come

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Investing in ICOs and SAFTs
Cryptocurrency investing
3 min read

Investing in ICOs and SAFTs

November 21, 2017

Investing in ICOs and SAFTs is not a simple process.  If you’re not an accredited investor it’s even more complicated as only accredited investors are permitted to invest in ICOs.  The qualifications to be an accredited investor would peg you as rich in terms of either a $200,000 annual income

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Bitcoin Tickles $8,000
Cryptocurrency investing
2 min read

Bitcoin Tickles $8,000

November 17, 2017

Last week we predicted that Bitcoin pricing would go nowhere but up.  We were right again. After dipping below $6,000 earlier this month, the price of cryptocurrency Bitcoin surpassed $8,000 today on one of the world’s largest exchanges, Bitfinex. On a global scale, average-high Bitcoin prices were slightly lower hovering

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Buying Bitcoin on a Dip
Cryptocurrency investing Cryptocurrency Markets
2 min read

Buying Bitcoin on a Dip

November 15, 2017

Buying bitcoin on a dip always works.  The recent dip in bitcoin pricing led to a very serious buying opportunity over the past weekend. See? I told you so. If you were one of the smarter cryptocoin investors and bought bitcoin at the last dip at about $5900 back on

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