Cryptocoin Mining Crashes
Cryptocurrency Mining
2 min read

Cryptocoin Mining Crashes

November 25, 2018

ASIC Miners and Mining Rigs Go Dark as Crypto Markets and Cryptocoin Mining Crashes One year ago, basements were being converted into mining farms as electricians and heating/cooling experts were brought in to upgrade electricity, install duct work and fans to power up and cool off mining farms.  Reddit and

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Cisco Systems Granted Patent For Mining Cryptocoin
Cryptocurrency Mining
2 min read

Cisco Systems Granted Patent For Mining Cryptocoin

May 9, 2018

Cisco Systems Granted Patent For Mining Cryptocoin – Legendary Network Company Promises Legendary Cryptocoin Mining Solutions I almost got too excited too fast when I discovered that Cisco Systems Granted Patent For Mining Cryptocoin.  As a “retired” CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) I was popping out of my chair by

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Cryptocoin Mining Meltdown
Cryptocurrency Mining
3 min read

Cryptocoin Mining Meltdown

March 16, 2018

Cryptocoin Mining Meltdown – ASIC Bitcoin Miner Prices Plunge as Other Cryptocoin Miners Pull the Plug Canaan’s Avalon 841 Bitcoin miner went on sale 24 hours ago at $2299. Earlier today there was a price drop to $1999.  There’s proof right there of a cryptocoin mining meltdown.  Rewind to six

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Should You Buy Used Mining Rigs?
Cryptocurrency Mining
6 min read

Should You Buy Used Mining Rigs?

February 26, 2018

Should You Buy Used Mining Rigs? Yes. Well maybe…. And perhaps no. The option to buy used mining rigs is a tempting one. With the madness surrounding crypto mining and alt-coins, many people are going to look into building their own mining rigs.  While this isn’t a huge undertaking for

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Bitcoin Mining for Beginners – Episode 5: ASIC Miners
Cryptocurrency Mining
5 min read

Bitcoin Mining for Beginners – Episode 5: ASIC Miners

December 20, 2017

Buying an ASIC Miner I decided that, after two months of mining with repurposed PCs, it was time to try buying a dedicated ASIC miner for Bitcoin.  But just what is an ASIC miner, and why did I want one? Well, I suppose we should start with just with a

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