
Bitcoin Bull Run 2018 – Bitcoin is up 20% in the Past Seven Days and Rising Every Hour

Bitcoin Bull Run 2018 has many winners; every major coin is up with Bitcoin Cash nearly doubling in value the past week, Ethereum is up 40% and Litecoin gained 25%.  As usual, the altcoins are also on the rise; EOS, DASH, Trons and Ripple among many others.  After weeks of slow rises and difficulty breaking the $9,000 mark and rising fast, experts struggle to understand why this is happening now.

What’s behind Bitcoin Bull Run 2018? Opinions range from the passing of the IRS tax deadline of April 17 to the end of Chinese New Year to fears of government easing. As is so so often the case, nobody can accurately attribute Bitcoin price movements one way or the other.   Even so, Bitcoin price forecasts made month ago still stand; Jack Lee pegs Bitcoin at $25,000 by summer with other experts seeing a possible price of $100,000 for Bitcoin by the end of the year.

Looking beyond the current price of Bitcoin we need to look at Bitcoin activity itself as a barometer for Bitcoin health.  According to Blockchain Info, Bitcoin transaction volume is up 25% since this same time last week.

bitcoin bull run 2018

It’s seldom seen when experts on any subject agree on anything so it should be considered as nothing less than sensational that everyone agrees that Bitcoin Bull Run 2018 is well under way and expected to run straight through to the end of 2018.  This is good news for Bitcoin miners like me but anyone who bought Bitcoin and HODLed as well as cryptocoin investors in general.  It’s a proven fact that cryptocoins rise when Bitcoin rises.  It’s time to ride the wave and look forward to the future.  We never had a doubt but we hope that doubters are now dismissed thanks to Bitcoin Bull Run 2018.

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