
Avalon 821 Bitcoin Miner Unveiled — Right on the heels of our 761 announcement.

Well that was fast.  We were talking about the Avalon 761 Bitcoin miner just three days ago and here we are with The Avalon 821 Bitcoin miner unveiled.  I briefly talked about the 821 mentioning there were no specs on the 821 at the time.  Now there are.  And boy they have my palms sweating.  Check out the official Canaan announcement on the Avalon 821 miner or get the summary right here…

The Avalon Miner 821 is weighing in at a whopping 11 TH/s with just 1200 watts power consumption   That’s a quantum leap compared to the 741 that delivered 7 TH/s at 1100 watts. As sorry as I am to see the 741s go, the happy news is that the 821 will deliver a 35% increase in processing power at just roughly 10% more power which more than makes up for it.  There was also talk of an Avalon Miner 841 boasting 12 TH/s at the same level of power consumption coming later this year.

In as much as The Avalon 821 Bitcoin Miner Unveiled is an official event there is no official pricing as of now.  The phrasing on the Canaan website left the door open for a wide price range.  If I had to guess, I’d say the Avalon 821 miner will be listed at $1100 at the very least.  Canaan itself has confirmed they are finishing and delivering their last orders of 741s and 761s with plans to put the 821 into production after January 1st.  I’m already on the list.

Further down the road we can look forward to not only the Avalon 841 but then the 861, 921 and then the (queue dramatic music) the 10 series.

For the best possible chance to score the next generation Avalon miner contact any of the many official Canaan distributors.

Canaan got back in the game in a very serious way last year and with the Avalon 821 Bitcoin miner unveiled, Bitcoin miners can look forward to a very happy new year in 2018 — and beyond.

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Seth Fields
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