
Apple Bans Cryptocurrency Mining – So What?

While this could be considered a trampling on a consumer’s rights to do what they please with their property what’s there’s no big deal that Apple bans cryptocurrency mining.  The only possible, feasible mobile-based cryptomining would be for Electroneum and even when ETN was at its peak price it would take decades to mine any serious amount of cryptocoin.

Bitcoin miners aren’t the least bit concerned that Apple bans cryptocurrency mining.  Except maybe Electroneum fans. I mean, seriously, it would take a smartphone – or even a top-of-the-line Mac – hundreds of years to mine a single Bitcoin.

Apple is cracking down on cryptocurrency activity on its devices is a laugh.  As a public relations professional I see this announcement as nothing more than a PR play as there are no serious repercussions.

During Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference last week, the company released new App Store guidelines that ban cryptocurrency mining on both iOS devices and Mac. AppleInsider first spotted the changes to the policy on Monday and nobody understands why Apple bothered.

Apple Bans Cryptocurrency Mining

If a ROOM filled with Apple’s most powerful Macs were working in concert to mine Bitcoin they couldn’t produce one in a solid year.  So when Apple bans cryptocurrency we have to contain our laughter.

Heck, if an entire freighter loaded with Apple iPhones were hijacked and diverted to mine cryptocoin the pirates’ third generation of offspring might have enough cryptocoin to buy a sandwich.

This is a ludicrous stance by Apple to maintain their media presence without any realistic impact on cryptocurrency mining one way or the other. Nobody in the world broke into tears or fits of frustration learning the news that Apple bans cryptocurrency mining.  No plans were dashed.  No dreams were smashed.

And in any case, anyone with even a rudimentary knowledge of Linux could easily bypass this restriction on the Mac – but why would that want to? They would lose money every minute a Mac was devoted to mining any cryptocoin these days.

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Seth Fields
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