Bitcoin Predictions 2018
Cryptocurrency investing Cryptocurrency Markets
2 min read

Bitcoin Predictions 2018

May 26, 2018

Bitcoin Predictions 2018 – This week has been a bloodbath for the cryptocoin world.  Bitcoin will emerge bigger than ever. Bitcoin Predictions 2018 are becoming crystal clear as many lesser cryptocoins faced slaughter and certain destruction this week.  The path of destruction is too vast to fully document but we’ll

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Bloomberg Galaxy Crypto Index
Cryptocurrency investing
2 min read

Bloomberg Galaxy Crypto Index

May 11, 2018

Bloomberg Galaxy Crypto Index – Cryptocoin is Definitely Mainstream Now. I caught Michael Novogratz sitting down with Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business just now I froze as I heard about The Bloomberg Galaxy Crypto Index for the first time.  What first stunned me was the Bloomberg name.  Bloomberg has not

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Cisco Systems Granted Patent For Mining Cryptocoin
Cryptocurrency Mining
2 min read

Cisco Systems Granted Patent For Mining Cryptocoin

May 9, 2018

Cisco Systems Granted Patent For Mining Cryptocoin – Legendary Network Company Promises Legendary Cryptocoin Mining Solutions I almost got too excited too fast when I discovered that Cisco Systems Granted Patent For Mining Cryptocoin.  As a “retired” CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) I was popping out of my chair by

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Bitcoin ATM Machine Review
Cryptocurrency Markets
3 min read

Bitcoin ATM Machine Review

May 2, 2018

Bitcoin ATM Machine Review – They Work But They Could Work Better. Any Bitcoin ATM Machine Review must start with warning potential users of a Bitcoin ATM Machine to start out with some patience.  That’s because of the Bitcoin blockchain and the fact that Bitcoin miners like me need to

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