Cryptocurrency Converges with Dictatorships
Cryptocurrency investing Cryptocurrency Markets
2 min read

Cryptocurrency Converges with Dictatorships

February 28, 2018

Cryptocurrency Converges with Dictatorships – Why We Need to Watch Iran, North Korea, Venezuela and Russia. Cryptocurrency converges with dictatorships like never before.  We have Venezuela trying to float the Petro — a cryptocoin investment that is dead on arrival.  Then there’s North Korea mining Bitcoin and stealing Bitcoin as

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Cryptocoin Pump and Dump
Cryptocurrency investing
4 min read

Cryptocoin Pump and Dump

February 26, 2018

Cryptocoin Pump and Dump  – Old School Approach in a Brave New World. “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” – King Solomon It’s amazing in one sense that cryptocoin pump and dump even exists in

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Should You Buy Used Mining Rigs?
Cryptocurrency Mining
6 min read

Should You Buy Used Mining Rigs?

February 26, 2018

Should You Buy Used Mining Rigs? Yes. Well maybe…. And perhaps no. The option to buy used mining rigs is a tempting one. With the madness surrounding crypto mining and alt-coins, many people are going to look into building their own mining rigs.  While this isn’t a huge undertaking for

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Bitcoin Miner Pricing Puzzle
Cryptocurrency Mining
2 min read

Bitcoin Miner Pricing Puzzle

February 23, 2018

Bitcoin Miner Pricing Puzzle – Bitmain’s Antminer S9 Goes Down in Price as Canaan’s Avalon Miners Go Up.  What’s Going On? The Bitcoin miner pricing puzzle is getting harder and harder to solve.  Two months ago The Antminer S9 had a “street price” of $5,000 (rated at 14 TH/s) compared

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Lower Bitcoin Fees
Cryptocurrency Markets Cryptocurrency Mining
2 min read

Lower Bitcoin Fees

February 23, 2018

Lower Bitcoin Fees – One of Those Good News/Bad News Things Lower Bitcoin fees comes as good news for people who use Bitcoin to buy houses, cars and pizzas and all the rest but bad news for Bitcoin miners like me.  That’s because my Bitcoin mining income — excluding changes

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Litecoin Hard Fork Rally
Cryptocurrency investing
2 min read

Litecoin Hard Fork Rally

February 20, 2018

Litecoin Hard Fork Rally – Litecoin Doubled in the Past Seven Days Leading up to the Fork. The Litecoin hard fork rally has Litecoin loyalists jubilant. Litecoin is like the often overlooked younger brother among the major cryptocoins. It is the fifth-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, according to CoinMarketCap and is frequently

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Cryptocoin Fraud Prevention
Cryptocurrency investing
3 min read

Cryptocoin Fraud Prevention

February 19, 2018

Cryptocoin Fraud Prevention – How to Keep Your Coins, Stop Scams and Get Rich Over Time. A day doesn’t go by when someone isn’t scammed out of their money or their cryptocoins. Cryptocoin fraud prevention has become a necessary educational item that everybody – Bitcoin miners, cryptocoin investors or would-be

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Bitcoin Whale Spotted
Cryptocurrency Markets
2 min read

Bitcoin Whale Spotted

February 18, 2018

Bitcoin Whale Spotted – Anonymous trader buys $400 million in bitcoin We reported Bitcoin whales behind the recent rally of Bitcoin going over $10,000 a couple of days ago.  One Bitcoin whale spotted got the attention of everybody; he gulped up some 41,000 Bitcoin totaling $400 million over the span

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LoopX ICO Scam
Cryptocurrency investing
4 min read

LoopX ICO Scam

February 16, 2018

LoopX ICO Scam – LoopX Disappears with $4.5 Million Without a Trace The LoopX ICO scam is just another scam in what is turning out to be an alarming trend.  ICOs can be wonderful things in raising capital for a new solution to a vexing problem via blockchain.  The problem

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Bitcoin Back Over 10K
Cryptocurrency Markets
2 min read

Bitcoin Back Over 10K

February 15, 2018

Bitcoin Back Over 10K- Bitcoin Shrugs Off Bad News,  is Climbing Steadily Higher With Bitcoin back over 10K, Bitcoin is proving the critics and the cynics wrong yet again thanks to crossing back over the $10,000 line and staying there.  Bitcoin has been on a slow and steady rally the

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