Bitcoin Pricing is a Ping Pong Ball
Cryptocurrency investing Cryptocurrency Markets
2 min read

Bitcoin Pricing is a Ping Pong Ball

December 18, 2017

Bitcoin Pricing is a Ping Pong Ball – The Charts Give the Proof On December 16th Bitcoin broke through the $19,000 mark and was hovering just under $20,000.  We were holding off on an article as we naturally assumed Bitcoin hit $20,000 at which point we would’ve published new Bitcoin

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Buying Bitcoin on a Dip
Cryptocurrency investing Cryptocurrency Markets
2 min read

Buying Bitcoin on a Dip

November 15, 2017

Buying bitcoin on a dip always works.  The recent dip in bitcoin pricing led to a very serious buying opportunity over the past weekend. See? I told you so. If you were one of the smarter cryptocoin investors and bought bitcoin at the last dip at about $5900 back on

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