Making Money Bitcoin Mining – Everybody is Getting In On It.

John McAfee joined MGT Capital Investments last year, steered them to making money Bitcoin mining and the stock took off.  In the past 12 moths MGTI’s stock price went up over 400% and they are making steady profits as one of North America’s biggest miners of Bitcoin.

The Long Island Iced Tea Company also announced it’s plans to hitch their wagon to making money Bitcoin mining.  They were losing money selling iced tea and days away from seeing their stock delisted.  So they changed their name to include the word blockchain and announced plans to purchase 1,000 Bitcoin miners then the stock exploded.

Making Money Bitcoin Mining

Then just yesterday Kodak announced their entry into the Bitcoin mining business as well as a new ICO.  Can you guess what happened next? Yes! That’s right! Kodak stock went up by 120% on the announcement.  Making money Bitcoin mining is a thing.  A real thing.

Making money Bitcoin mining is reality.  I’m living proof.  I run a small mining farm in my home and it brings profits every single day.  I started Bitcoin mining last summer when I purchased an Avalon Miner 721 when Bitcoin was not quite $5,000.  It took me a few days to get the hang of it but I did.  Then I purchased and deployed two Avalon 741s and now make more money day in and day out. And mining Bitcoin at $5,000 was profitable.  Naturally it’s much more profitable now.  Nobody doubts Bitcoin will continue to rise in 2018 which makes Bitcoin mining incrementally more profitable.


Because operating expenses of a Bitcoin mining farm are fixed but the price of Bitcoin goes up.  As a result, making money Bitcoin mining accelerates as the price of Bitcoin continues to rise.  Think about it.  You bought your ASIC miners and PSUs. That’s a one-time cost. Your electricity costs to power them doesn’t fluctuate to any measurable degree.  Yet Bitcoin pricing is only trending upward which makes daily operations of mining Bitcoin increasingly lucrative.

John McAfee summarized this perfectly“Bitcoin investors will be the richest people on earth. Anyone who understands Bitcoin cannot deny this. But what does that say about Bitcoin miners? We occupy the top rung of profitability. Soon, mining will be immorally profitable.”

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Seth Fields
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