Cryptocoin Dash Gets Airtime – Dash Rolls Out Commercials on United Airlines

On a cross-country flight on United Airlines recently I spotted a commercial Dash on the little TV in front of me.  Cryptocoin Dash Gets Airtime! I thought to myself in excitement.  I’m a Bitcoin maven from the word go but I’ve only heard good things about Dash and the underlying structure shows a lot of promise.  Dash advocates itself as peer-to-peer decentralized electronic cash. It intends to be as liquid as real cash and the United Airlines commercial talked all about this.

I’m happy to see that Cryptocoin Dash gets airtime – although they paid for that airtime as an advertiser on the United Airlines TV platform.

Dash is built upon Bitcoin’s core code with the addition of new of the most important features that matter; privacy and quick transactions.

Just like Bitcoin Dash is open-source and has its own blockchain, wallet infrastructure, and community. But unlike BTC, Dash transaction fees are far, far cheaper.

Dash has positioned itself as digital money for the Internet as well as in-person transactions which could very well supplant conventional currency if adoption is wide enough.

When you see Cryptocoin Dash gets airtime we’re seeing a serious push by the Dash team to get that wide-spread adoption.

Cryptocoin Dash Gets Airtime

All About the Dash Cryptocurrency

Dash was created three years ago on 18 January 2014 by its developer Evan Duffield.

Dash was originally released as XCoin (XCO). In February 2014, the name was changed to “Darkcoin”.  And on 25 March 2015, Darkcoin was rebranded as “Dash”.

Evan Duffield came across Bitcoin in 2010 and was impressed by its technology. However, he quickly concluded that Bitcoin was not that private and just fast enough for our instant world.

Addressing these two fundamental limitations Duffield decided to use Bitcoin’s core code and build his own cryptocurrency.  That’s how Dash came to be.

Now that that Cryptocoin Dash gets airtime we should expect exponential growth in consumer use as well as slow and steady growth in coin value.

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Seth Fields
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